This is our second rough draft of out title sequence. We have put everything in order as well as the production and distribution idents. We still need to place every credit in its order. We also need to do one more final filming session to get footage for the ending of the film.
Thursday, 26 February 2015
creating titles on motion
- we used motion to create the titles we are going to use in the title sequence
- we used the font Helvetica Neue. the font colour we used was white font that is very discrete and the titles will appear on different corners in the frame dependent on the whats going on in that particular frame
We have included additional footage we filmed from the chemistry lab and replaced bits from the old footage. I have also played around with effects in final cut pro and have managed to create this CCTV effect.
Our Final Production Ident
I decided to recreate the same ident I created during my motion tutorial as I believed it fit perfectly with our film. However, I did change the text slightly to make it look more presentable.
As you can see in the background there is globe which I imported from Google images.
Once I imported the globe I then edited the text for the ident adding 'Glowing Globe Presents.'
To make the ident more appealing I then added a sparkle effect to make a 'Glowing Globe.'
I then altered the text to make it say 'Glowing Globe Productions,' with Golden Globe in yellow to relate to 'golden' globe.
Wednesday, 25 February 2015
Distibution Ident
We created our distribution ident by using Logocreater and edited it on photoshop to change the colour scheme and add the text. We then used motion to add effects such as fading in and out so it flows well with our film.
Thursday, 12 February 2015
Editing Research
We needed apply a CCTV camera effect for a clip in our scene so we looked on Youtube for tutorials on how to create one.
Filming Day 2
Filming of the chemistry lab was available at lunch so we took this opportunity and spent our lunchtime filming any shots that came to mind as we only had an hour to film. We managed to get many fantastic shots but i think we would need to re shoot the entire scene another lunch time. This is because i think the area we were set up at was next to the wall which restricted the cameraman to position himself to get all the correct shots. Overall, it was a good shoot and we have learnt what shots we need for the next time we shoot in the lab.
Monday, 9 February 2015
Rough Draft 1
- we have looked over our footage and comments made about certain shots such as the lighting in some of the shots needed to looked over and the actions of the characters in the actual clip needed to be adjusted to go in conjunction with what we wanted the titles sequence.
- due to the comments made we will need to film some of the clips again and make sure we have enough clips.
- we will go back and re-film a lot of the scenes in the lab as the lighting was off and we didn't like the positioning of the main character in the clip.
Editing 1
We used Final Cut pro to edit our footage and put every clip in place. We still need to film a lot more scenes as well as re film the whole of the science scene because the lighting and placement of the equipment was too hard to work with.
Blogging Health Check 2
- Need to use more technology in my posts (GIFS, Prezi, Thinglink)
- Review footage from first rough draft.
- Need to do more individual posts.
Blog health check 2
- need to use a wider range of technology when presenting my work , more use of sites such as emaze ect
- do more extensions do get more marks
- also need to put more photos of filming and editing
Thursday, 5 February 2015
social networking
we decides to create a twitter page so that teachers were informed as to what was happening when we were filming as well as trying to put up picture of whats happening behind the scenes and any updates as to how far along we are with filming. our twitter page is
Filming Day 1
Due to Kelsen unable to come into college today, we decided to start filming anyway. We started off with the scene where our new main character Sergio walks out of the chemistry lab and heads outside looking suspicious. We managed to get most shots completed within this scene but i think we will re take some of them using more match cuts to show a smooth flow of his actions to show he is in a hurry.
Opening Sequence Research (REVISED)
Our opening title sequence was heavily influenced by the opening sequence of Kidulthood. We took inspiration from the scene where the main character is working in a crafts workshop in school and we get the impression he is hard working as he is very focused and seems to know what he doing but then we see he made a gun which then tells us that this character is using his talents for the wrong reason. We wanted to re create this with our plot except in our title sequence, the main character will be in a chemistry lab mixing substances to create drugs.
Props and Costumes (REVISED)
As our plot has changed, the props and costumes we will be using have also changed to suit the mise en scene of the opening titles. We have changed our main location from an estate to a chemistry lab inside a college.
Chemistry Equipment:
- Bunsen burner
- Flasks
- Test Tubes
- Food colouring
- Flour or powder substance
- Pipet
- Lab coat
- black jumper
- Sweatpants
- Trainers
- Backpack
- Black coat
Revised Storyboard
As our main character wasn't in to film with the original plan, we revised our storyboard with the settings and story changing from a mugging in an estate to a drug dealer who uses after hours at college to produce drugs. This new scene was heavily inspired by the opening scene of Kidulthood where the main character is seen using machinery in a classroom to make a gun. We wanted to do the same thing as how they showed a character who is gifted in a certain subject but uses it for the wrong reason.
Tuesday, 3 February 2015
Titles Order
Looking at low budget films and their title sequences, we noticed that the amount of titles were considerably less than higher budget hollywood films. Low budget films such as My Brother The Devil and Beautiful Thing only show the main characters, director and producers whereas a big hollywood budget films like Mean Girls have all those credited plus costume designers, photographers and editors.
As our film will be a low budget film, we decided to include a mix of Beautiful Thing and My Brother The Devil.
- Film Company
- Production Company
- Title
- Cast
- Writer
- Producer
- Executive Producers
- Director
Sunday, 1 February 2015
Weather forecast:
When we were filming we had to take into consideration weather when filming on the Thursday and Monday. There were a lot of shots that were mainly filmed within the college but there were a few shots that had to be filmed at the back of the college and we had to be conscious of the weather on those day. On the days that we filmed outside the weather was okay and we were able to film the cctv clip and the clip where the main character leaves the building.
Target Audience
Target Audience
The target audience for our film opening will be teenagers and young adults. Due to our film being inspired by the opening of 'Kidulthood,' the target audience is practically the same as the same audience Kidulthood was aimed at is the same for our film.
Fonts - Task 24
Our film will be a thriller type genre and the titles will appear along side the action discretely so we want a very simple font style that is easy to read as well as standing out. Here are the following we would like to consider:
Institution Research - Task 23
Looking at the films we have taken inspiration from, we have found the production/distribution companies they have used.
Our film will be a small budget film for a very local audience therefore we decided to go for Revolver Entertainment. They have also produced and distributed many other films similar to Kidulthood with the theme of violence, drugs and sex in London such as Anuvahood and Shank.

Pitch Feedback - Task 39
- We received positive feedback overall from others but we still need to consider some changes.
- We should add cross cutting into the scene when Kelsen is walking down the estate and Sergio is running down the stairs. This will build tension as well as linking the two separate actions together.
- We will watch the scenes from kidulthood where drug dealing happens so we can replicate them in our film so they happen quickly without anyone noticing.
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