- We received positive feedback overall from others but we still need to consider some changes.
- We should add cross cutting into the scene when Kelsen is walking down the estate and Sergio is running down the stairs. This will build tension as well as linking the two separate actions together.
- We will watch the scenes from kidulthood where drug dealing happens so we can replicate them in our film so they happen quickly without anyone noticing.
Friday, 30 January 2015
Title Sequence Pitch + Feedback
Thursday, 29 January 2015
Monday, 26 January 2015
Thursday, 22 January 2015
Filming Location - Task 30
Film Location
Main character could walk either of these ways to get to the main estate.
This long pathway could be used for the main character to get caught by the gang. The tall block is the main block which could be used for the meetings of the characters.
props and costume
Kelsen ( main character ): blue tracksuit and jacket

Sergio ( character 2 ): tracksuit and air forces and big jacket
Andrew ( druggy ): normal clothes.
- mobile phone
- jewellery
in order to differentiate characters from each other s the audience have a clear indication of the characters roles in the opening of the film. in order to do this we need to use costume to make certain characters stand out, in conjunction with their role in the film. Therefore the main character in the opening of our film will be wearing a blue tracksuit in contrast to the less important characters who will be wearing black clothing.
Kelsen ( main character ): blue tracksuit and jacket
Sergio ( character 2 ): tracksuit and air forces and big jacket
Andrew ( druggy ): normal clothes.
Monday, 19 January 2015
Sub-genres of Teen Drama films - Task 11
Sub-Genres of Teen Drama films
Teen films can be split into two different sub-genres which are Youth Drama and High School Drama.
Title Credits
Title credits:
Universal an mca company
An a&m films channel production
A john hughes film
The breakfast club
Starring (us)
Casting by
Costume designer
Production supervisor
Executive producers
Music composed and supervised by
Edited by
Production designer
Director of photography
Coproduced by
Produced by
Written and directed by
‘’…And these children that you spit on as they try to change
their worlds are immune to your consultations they’re quite aware of what
theyre going through
Sunday, 18 January 2015
Title Planning
- For out title sequence we as a group decided to create it over a youth drama film. We went with this decision because if we decided to go with a high school drama film we would need to to film most of it during college time because the college is not open on the weekends.
- A brief story-line to our title sequence are based on the opening from two films we have looked at. Attack The Block and ...
- The story will focus on a main character being betrayed by his best friend for money related reasons and he does whatever it takes to find out why.
The Characters we will present:
- The Main Character - Very well known around the neighbourhood. Good reputation.
- The Bestfriend - Dumb and stupid but turns out to just be a con and presents his true nature during the meet.
- Leader of the ambush - Big muscular and tough looking.
With the storyline being gang related and involves a bit of violence, we are aiming for a thriller approach to this. The title sequence is meant to be a cliffhanger that tells the end of the story. So basically, if this was a full length film, the title sequence cuts just before the title of the film appears and as the film starts it would start from a previous point in time. The film will then tell the story of why his best friend would betray him which then leads up to the title sequence clip.
Thursday, 15 January 2015
Reflection Blog 2
When this report was written I only had 7 blog posts whereas now I have 19 posts. Majority of which are up to standard, a few still need updating to get them to the right standard. I put clearer pictures of worksheets for blog posts. To improve and catch up I am going to attend workshop to work at the level I should be.
Reflection Blog
I have improved by blog by completing missing blogging posts as well as using different types of technologies such as prezzi, GIFS and thing link. My grade on this summary was a B but now with the improvements i think it is still a B but a high B. To get an A i will ned to do the extension tasks.
Reflection blog 2
- use more forms of technology
- finish some unfinished blogs that need editing
grade working at currently: C
We were shown a tutorial on how to use Motion. We were shown how to use a template to make a title/ident. I decided to use my initiative and played around with the package and came up with this ident.
As you can see in the background there is globe which I imported from Google images.
Once I imported the globe I then edited the text for the ident adding 'Glowing Globe Presents.'
To make the ident more appealing I then added a sparkle effect to make a 'Glowing Globe.'
we learned how to create titles and a company ident using motion. we did this in preparation for our actual project.
Using Motion
Today we learned how to use Motion to create title sequences and a production company ident. We did this to practise for our actual films.
The Breakfast Club REMAKE + Evaluation
I think we did a decent remake of the Breakfast Club opening scene. We did not get to film every scene we planned so the clip was shorter than expected. We only used a couple of different shot types like a medium shot and wide shots. we could've improved by using more shot types like over the shoulder, close ups as well as low and high angle shots.
Monday, 12 January 2015
Garage band tutorial
We had to create a sound track that goes along with the title sequence to the film 10 things i hate about you , we used garage band to create soundtracks that go along with the sound tracks associated with the characters.
Sergio you didn't follow the instructions! I had to convert the file! Next time convert to M4V or MPEG 4. Mary!!!!
My Garage Band Tutorial Blogging Task 19
Garageband Tutorial - Task 19
We learnt how to use garageband and we were required to make our own soundtrack to 10 Things I Hate About You. We also had to add our own sound effects to add quality to the video and make it more realistic. Below are screenshots of me editing the video on Garageband.
Teen Dramas - Title Sequences - Reasearch into institiution - Task 8
A teen drama film is a film genre targeted at teenagers and young adults in which the plot is based upon the special interests of teenagers, such as coming of age, first love, rebellion, conflict with parents, teen angst or alienation. Often these normally serious subject matters are presented in a glossy, stereotyped or trivialised way. For legal reasons, many teenage characters are portrayed by young adults. Some teen films appeal to young males while others appeal to young females. Genre means 'category' or type' and is useful when discussing film because it helps to group or ogranise different films according to what they are about and what they look like. This helps producers make and market their film to audiences, and it helps audiences make decisions about what films they like and want to see.
The worksheet above shows the difference between mainstream and independent teen drama films. The 1st image shows the order of the credits and the mainstream films had less production companies displayed in the title sequence. This may be because in the independent films they needed many different production companies to help them due to funding which can be reflected in the fact that Mean Girls had a budget of $17,000,000 whereas My Brother the Devil had a budget of only $690,000.
What is a title sequence? - Task 3
A title sequence is the method by which films or television programmes present their title, key production and cast members, or both, utilising conceptual visuals and sound. There are four different types of title sequences which are, Titles on a blank screen, Titles on still images, Titles over moving images and Titles using animation or motion. Below shows a worksheet which consists of statements which about title sequences and what should be included in a title sequence. The column on the right shows my own idea of what each statement means.
What went well:
- as a group we worked well and filming ran smoothly
- able to film the majority of what was first planned out
What could have been improved:
- should have made better use of the area in which we could film in
- more shots could have been used when filming
- camera should have been checked before we started filming as sound was not on
- should have used more actors
the majority of the filming ran as expected and within our group everyone knew what there role was and filming therefore ran smoothly. The majority of the filming was done within a class room so there was limited space and we could have used more areas around the college to help portray the key aspects of the film all better. The use of props such as the toy car to remake the scene in which the parent drives off and the use of extreme close ups to try and make it to seem as if the car was life size. However in editing we discovered that the camera we had used did not film with sound and we should shave been aware that the sound was off by checking the equipment before filming , because of this we had to invest more time in editing to input subtitles. Also we needed to spend more time focussing on lighting as we realised in editing that one of the shots of the lockers had darker lighting, however is was an easy fix as the colour could be changed in editing , but we may need to replay the clips to ensure that things are right and so that we don't run into these problems in future.
In addition we could have used more shot techniques through out filming as the main focus seemed to be over the shoulder focussing mainly on the conversations taking place within the car and we could have used different shots to change the perspective. Therefore in future we need to focus on ensuring that a wider range of shot techniques are used and that we timing is used a bit better to ensure we have enough time to go over any mistakes. Also we need to check all equipment used to ensure we don't run into any problems.
Sunday, 11 January 2015
Filming Task Evaluation
What went well:
- Good communication within the group
- Everyone participated in either filming or acting
- Completed most filming on time
What could be improved:
- Needed more actors involved.
- More shots around the college (canteen, hall, outside of the college)
- Used more shot techniques (Over the shoulder match cuts)
Most part of the filming went very well. Everyone participated and communicated well which made the filming process run smoothly. Our setting was inside a classroom mostly so we didn't have much space. I think we used the car prop quite effectively as an extreme close up shot seemed to show a life size car.We did not manage to get all the shots in the time frame given but we got the most important shots in which were the dialogue parts. In the editing room we discovered that our sound on the camera was not enabled therefore out entire film has no sound. This was crucial and we will definitely make sure the sound is enabled next time before filming. Because we have no sound, we will need to spend more time in the editing room adding subtitles to the film. We also need to focus on the lighting on some parts too. For example, we filmed a shot of the locker from two perspectives. one was directly in front of it and one was from an angle. We discovered in the editing room that the shots we took had a very different lighting. One was normal and the other was a more yellow lighting. This was not a big issue as we could change the lighting in the editing process but it would've been more efficient to check the footage before carrying on and wasting valuable time in the editing room.

Our main shot technique for the conversations in the car was the over the shoulder shot however, we only managed to only film one side of the shoulder throughout the whole process therefore we can only see the conversation from one perspective rather than two. This was because we didn't have much space on the other side to place the camera and by the time we had finished the first run of the filming we didn't have enough time to do it again on the other side.
Thursday, 8 January 2015
Wednesday, 7 January 2015
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