A teen drama film is a film genre targeted at teenagers and young adults in which the plot is based upon the special interests of teenagers, such as coming of age, first love, rebellion, conflict with parents, teen angst or alienation. Often these normally serious subject matters are presented in a glossy, stereotyped or trivialised way. For legal reasons, many teenage characters are portrayed by young adults. Some teen films appeal to young males while others appeal to young females. Genre means 'category' or type' and is useful when discussing film because it helps to group or ogranise different films according to what they are about and what they look like. This helps producers make and market their film to audiences, and it helps audiences make decisions about what films they like and want to see.
The worksheet above shows the difference between mainstream and independent teen drama films. The 1st image shows the order of the credits and the mainstream films had less production companies displayed in the title sequence. This may be because in the independent films they needed many different production companies to help them due to funding which can be reflected in the fact that Mean Girls had a budget of $17,000,000 whereas My Brother the Devil had a budget of only $690,000.
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